Atlanta’s most prominent executives, majestic properties, and revenue-earning enterprises.
Of Atlanta’s environs, Buckhead real estate is certainly one of the poshest and affluent. Sometimes referred to as “the Beverly Hills of the South,” this suburb boasts many of the city’s prominent shopping areas, high-end real estate properties, high-rises, glitzy office complexes, as well as art galleries, theaters, and fine dining restaurants.
As such, Buckhead’s humble origins may come as a bit of surprise. In 1837, a man by the name of Henry Irby purchased approximately 200 acres of land around what is now known as the center of Buckhead and opened a general store. Irbyville blossomed around the small outpost until Irby himself passed in 1879. According to his descendants, Irby mounted a large buck deer’s head on the store to attract passersby — thus, the name Buckhead took root.
Today, Buckhead is no longer a small country stopover. Home to some of Atlanta’s most prominent executives, majestic properties, and revenue-earning enterprises, Buckhead is without a doubt among the city’s most elegant and wealthy districts. Interested in learning more about Buckhead’s interesting history and aspiring future? Visit Buckhead’s official website.
There’s no such thing as the perfect home, but there is a perfect home for you, and Erin Yabroudy and her team of realtors would love to help you find it. Let us help you find your perfect home!
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